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Home organization & decluttering

How to Properly Dispose of a Mattress

 (modified Jul 5, 2023)

We have all been there: climbing out of bed in the morning with a stiff neck, a sore back, and the distinct feeling that the previous night did nothing in the way of rest.

Many of us have been experiencing poor sleep for so long that it simply feels like second nature, being tired is a way of life for far too many people.

We will assess the reasons why you may be getting poor sleep, qualify if your mattress needs an upgrade and how to address mattress disposal. Continue reading on to discover how to get rid of your mattress.

Mattress Disposal

Plenty of Factors Affect the Quality of your Sleep and Rest

Everything from leaving a light on to facing added stress at work can prevent sleep from having actual restorative effects, even if you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.

While there is no disputing that many things contribute to sleep quality, perhaps the biggest factor is sleep environment. This means sleeping somewhere that is a comfortable temperature with quality bedding and, of course, a good mattress.

If you often find yourself waking up and feeling like you have not slept at all, it may be time to invest in a new mattress. So once you have decided to update your mattress, what should you do with the old one?

Let's examine the best ways to address mattress disposal.

Woman Stretching on a Mattress

Assess The Quality of Your Mattress

Your mattress may be relatively new, but it may not properly accommodate your sleeping style.

If your mattress is not necessarily out of life, it just is not the right one for you, it may be worth donating to someone else for whom it will be right.

Organizations like Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity will sometimes accept mattress donations if it is in relatively good quality, but be honest about the state of your mattress.

While it might sound easy to just drop off your old mattress, do not saddle a non-profit with your mattress if it will not serve someone in need, but also do not assume that just because the mattress is not working for you it can't provide someone else with a good night's sleep.

This is a great way to help reduce waste but more often than not, if a mattress is giving you persistent issues (and particularly if you have a partner that is also experiencing discomfort), the quality has probably degraded to a point where it is not salvageable.

Nothing lasts forever, think about how long you have had your mattress. Even a high end one may not last more than around 7 years. If it has been in the neighborhood of this long since you replaced your mattress, it has likely run its course. According to Mattress Insider Company founder Jonathan Prichard, keeping an old mattress around for too long can lead to a number of risks to hygiene and health.

If you've decided you need a new mattress, you'll need to discover the best, most-economical way of disposing your old mattress.

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Check With Your Local Trash Service on Mattress Disposal Options

While it is always a good idea to at least consider donation an explore the option, in all likelihood you will have to dispose of it instead.

Some communities will take part in a large disposal period where dumpsters are placed in town once a year to dispose of things like old tires, old furniture and worn out mattresses , but if your hometown does not engage in this practice, or if it is several months away, it may not be a viable option for you.

A good first step if you are not sure where to start is to simply reach out to your local trash service to find out whether they will take large items like mattresses at all. Do not simply leave the mattress on your curb without checking, as you could end up with a fine from your city.

If they do accept mattresses as a part of regular trash collection, they probably only do so on specific days, and you will likely need to wrap the mattress in plastic before they will take it.

Though every service is different, many times it will not be possible to leave your old mattress for your regular trash service to collect, and you will need to explore alternative options.

Carrying an Old Mattress for Disposal

Hire a Disposal Company to Dispose of a Mattress

Research your options before jumping into one. A reputable company will take the time to ask you questions and find out which disposal option will best serve you.

They should also be able to offer you a quote or estimate. Make sure to choose a company that is transparent about the price range you can expect, and that is genuinely interested in finding you the best possible deal.

Also make sure you work with a company that is familiar with residential disposal, as a less informed one could cause you to rack up fines if you do not take the proper steps.

What Dumpster Size is Best for Mattresses?

When it comes to disposing of mattresses, many people wonder what dumpster size is best for the job. At Bin There Dump That, we offer a range of dumpster sizes to accommodate any type of waste removal project, including those involving mattresses.

For most homeowners, we recommend our 10-yard dumpster, which can hold up to 4-5 mattresses, depending on their size and thickness. This size is perfect for small to medium-sized cleanouts, such as a bedroom or guest room makeover.

If you have a larger project or need to dispose of more than 5 mattresses, we suggest our 15 or 20-yard dumpsters. The 15-yard dumpster can typically hold up to 7-8 mattresses, while the 20-yard dumpster can accommodate up to 10-12 mattresses.

It's important to note that mattresses can take up a lot of space in a dumpster, especially if they're not properly broken down. To make the most of the space in your dumpster, we recommend removing the outer covering and separating the materials (foam, springs, etc.) as much as possible.

At Bin There Dump That, we take care to dispose of mattresses properly. Any non-recyclable materials are disposed of in accordance with local regulations. It's always best to call ahead as this may vary by location.

Truck dropping off bin in driveway

Mattress Disposal FAQ

Do I Need to Pay to Dispose of a Mattress?

Mattress removal costs depend on the number of mattresses you need to get rid of; on average, a junk removal service will charge $120 to $175. Before you decide to hire help or call your local sanitation service to collect your mattress, find out if the manufacturer's warranty still covers your mattress.

The mattress's lifespan won't necessarily match the timeline of the warranty, and it only covers defects not caused by the customer. However, if you're trying to get rid of a lightly used mattress, these defects are typically included in what's covered by a mattress warranty:

  • A sagging mattress
  • A damaged box spring
  • Broken coils

If you're interested in donating an old mattress, the Salvation Army, Goodwill, Catholic Charities, and The Furniture Bank Association of America accept bedding donations. Donation centers will typically not accept wet or severely damaged mattresses.

Can You Recycle Used Mattresses Instead of Disposing?

Recycling Bin
Mattresses are recyclable, though state laws and regulations may apply. Certain states like Connecticut, California, and Rhode Island have implemented programs to collect and recycle discarded mattresses and box springs at their recycling center. The Mattress Recycling Council (MRC) estimates that at least 18 million mattresses are thrown away annually, averaging 50 thousand per day. Bye Bye Mattress, an MRC partner, estimates that over 75% of a mattress's materials, including regular mattress foam and memory foam, can be recycled into new consumer and industrial products. The box springs can also be reused at your local recycling center. Mattress recycling is a fantastic way to get rid of a mattress.

How do You Properly Get Rid of a Mattress With Bed Bugs?

Are you buying a new mattress after a frightening encounter with bed bugs? If you plan on calling a junk removal service, you should inform them of the bed bug infestation.

Do not drag the mattress across your home—live bed bugs can jump off and spread to other rooms in the house. Seal the mattress in a mattress cover or an encasement, which will prevent the parasites from escaping. Depending on the degree of the infestation, you may also need to dismantle your bed frame and check your bedding for hidden bed bugs in tiny crevices.

How to Schedule Local Mattress Pickups

Bulky waste typically isn't picked up with the trash left on the curb—some garbage collection services will only collect larger items according to a designated pickup schedule. Even if your mattress isn't in good shape, it's generally not a good idea to leave it outside without knowing for sure that it will be picked up.

Your county or city's waste removal website should provide contact information and general information about mattress pickup regulations. You can browse Wayfair's furniture disposal directory for detailed information on your area's services. Thier information will help you better understand how to get rid of your mattress.

Removing a mattress

Where Can I Throw Away a Mattress Near Me?

If you’ve decided that mattress removal is the way to go, then you’ll be seeking out places where you can throw away your mattress. Without a doubt, the easiest way to dispose of your mattress is by finding a location near you. If you’re asking yourself, “Where can I throw away a mattress?” we’ve got several options for you:

Find a Location Near You. Click Here!

Check Out Our Tips on How to Dispose Your Furniture

How Long Will I Have to Wait for Mattress Disposal Services?

Depending on which option you choose, you may have to wait up to a week for your mattress to be discarded. However, some companies that offer junk removal and dumpster rental services can help you remove the mattress, including box spring, in as little as 48 hours.

If you need to get rid of the mattress as soon as possible, ask about potential same-day pick-up services and any associated fees. In general, the timeline varies for local sanitation pickup depending on the city or state.

Take Time to Declutter Your Home

Before you make the final decision on which type of disposal method is right for your mattress, take stock of the rest of your home. Are there other large items you have been meaning to get rid of, but have not had the means?

Maybe there is a set of chairs, a dresser, or an entertainment center sitting in your attic or garage.

Whatever items are imposing on your home, disposing of your mattress could be a great opportunity to get rid of outdated items that are not doing anything but collecting dust and taking up space.

If you find that there are more than a few items you want to clear out of replace, discuss a larger method with your disposal company. You may find that the choice to get rid of your mattress serves as the catalyst to help you clear out your whole home.

The importance of a good night's sleep cannot be overstated, particularly in a world that requires high function and productivity from everyone during their days just to get by as a functioning member of society.

It is easy to fall into the pattern of thinking that you simply are not capable of sleeping well at night and dooming yourself to a life of fatigue. However, very few people actually have medical disorders disturbing their sleep; it is much more likely that you have control over the situation.

Now you know exactly what steps to take in order to get rid of that mattress that is not serving you so you have all the necessary tools to make room in your bedroom for a new, better mattress that will.

Do not wait until you fall asleep at your desk or over dinner to make this switch - be proactive and kiss your old mattress goodbye. Take the steps toward your mattress disposal, choosing a new mattress, and achieving a restful night of sleep.

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